Alot of people think....."if I just don't eat..I will LOSE WEIGHT.." WRONG...
It is really just the opposite... You have to eat to lose weight... If you don't eat, your body thinks it has to hold on to every bit of fat that you have stored or that you consume....
So the more you eat....the more you lose....
With that said....you have to eat HEALTHY and SMALL portions...
BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day.... It gets your body on the right track.. It lets it know that you are not starving and it can start burning and not holding on to what you already have. It gets your metabolism started reving up. AND IT GIVES you ENERGY for the rest of the day..and for your exercise you have planned...
(for those that DON'T have time....
try a protein shake.... (check out some of the recipes on the website)......
PROTEIN BARS..... I love the ZONE and LUNA bars.....
scramble you an egg or two
OATMEAL - try organic oatmeal (check out the "PRODUCTS ." on the webiste)
MY TIP TO YOU: If you eat 2 smaller meals and a couple of LIGHT snacks.... You should be able to have 1 bigger meal a day... My husband and I chose to have our light meals earlier in the day...and then we get to SIT DOWN and have a meal together as a family at night.....
and if you eat a big meal at lunch or so....TRY NOT TO HAVE THAT MUCH AT THE OTHER MEALS...
ANOTHER TIP TO YOU: DO NOT eat past 6:30 pm if possible....if you do....try not to have a big meal and very little portions and number of carbs...
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