Wear some GREEN to RAISE some GREEN

Wear GREEN to raise some GREEN

Wear your GREEN to help raise money for a sweet lil’ girl, Jayla Cabler, and her family. Many of you might know….Jayla Cabler has been struggling to regain her health for some time now. She is now at Cook’s getting the help and treatment that she needs to beat this disease and illness. As you all know, Jayla was diagnosed in Jan of 2008 with a horrible disease called Myasthenia Gravis which affects her muscles through out her body...and last Saturday morning...the most horrible moment of all came for her family when the muscles that she needed in order to help her breathe were affected...

So F3 along with First Bank and Trust are donating a $1 for each person that comes in with GREEN on to workout. Just think….you and Jayla will both benefit from you working out at F3…..
Make sure you sign in on the GREEN SHEET….
Who said it doesn’t pay to workout….

Jayla is the daughter of Amber, F3 family member, and Justin Cabler.
AND.....GREEN is Jayla's favorite color.....


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